Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Amazing One

I am thankful for a fabulous husband who helps so much around the house. Often it seems like I'm the one helping out a bit while he does most of the work. Today he made a delicious pork roast dinner, with all the fixings, for our family and his parents & sisters. I didn't go into the kitchen the entire time. Then he served dinner to the boys & I; then cleaned up all the food. Isn't he amazing. And just now, while I was resting from my not-so-strenuous day, he was ironing the new shirts and pants that he recently picked out and bought for himself. He bought these because he also started a new job last month, where he works harder than ever and provides more than amply for our family. He's a keeper! And handsome!

And what was I doing today? Reading a book, watching football, and putting together our Christmas cards. I put the kids to bed too, including individual stories for each. I think we know who got the better end of the deal today. But I can't say how much I love Aaron, and how thankful I am that he wants to share the load with me. Thank you, sweetheart!

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