Tuesday, October 9, 2007

They come in Threes

So I'm a little late posting about this, just like with everything the last 4 or 5 months. Aaron came with me to the Dr. and I had my ultrasound... it's another boy! We are excited and not disappointed at all, which is more than I can say for some other family members. But Alden wanted a boy all along, and Emmett has not expressed a preference, so our immediate family is happy. Now the only thing we need to buy before this baby gets here is bunk beds. Which makes Aaron's wallet heave a sigh of relief, because I'd be putting us in the poorhouse if it was a girl. Here are a few pictures for those of you who can "see" the baby in ultrasounds.


Susan said...

I'm so glad you FINALLY updated your blog! Another boy will be fun for you guys. The ultrasound pictures are amazingly clear. You can see EVERYTHING :)

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

great shot of the feet! uh, is that boy part what i think it it?

Anonymous said...

Silly Mormon girls . . . congrats! Boys are easier to raise anyways. And Aaron is quite the man to be able to produce 3 more men!