Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chasing the Ball

Alden is playing organized soccer for the first time. He has practices on Thursday evenings, which are tons of fun for him, and for the rest of the family. Alden is playing with Mary Joe Spencer, Kaleb Rasmussen, Brigham Stokes, and Scotty Ponder and all the families go to the practices. Emmett has plenty of kids to play with at the playground, and I have plenty of adults to talk to. As long as the weather is nice, the practices have been the highlight of our weeks.

The games are fun too, but a little more stressful. Whereas the practices are at MacArthur (my elementary school) with just our team, the games are at a junior high with about a million other people. It's pretty funny to watch a bunch of four year olds chase the ball in little swarms. The first game Alden almost kicked a goal for the other team. The second game today he did better, with a break-away & dribbling the ball half way down the field. Our little Fireball team is doing great, and they are always a little more tired in the afternoon after all that running. Hurray!

1 comment:

Taryn and Sterling said...

What fun, Sterling can't wait for Ian to play soccer. He even said he would coach a team, but I think he is too competitive for that.