Friday, November 7, 2008

Childhood Romances

One last post about Halloween. Here's a shot of Alden's entire preschool class, including their favorite gypsy teacher, Miss Peggy. I will add the story (in the off chance someone hasn't heard it ten times) of Aaron and I. We like to tell people that we met in preschool. Which is true. Even though we didn't become friends until high school, we found out later that we went to the same preschool. And we have this picture of us sitting next to each other at Sister Benson's preschool, in our Halloween costumes. I was the witch and Aaron was the ghost in the front row. And for some reason, both our younger sisters are in the picture too. They were both clowns and were sitting by each other, on the right. So you see that little witch next to Alden above? Haylee better watch out.

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