Monday, November 10, 2008

Post-Halloween Goofin' Around

Jaycee fits right into our family. She will be growing up with three psuedo-brothers. At Jaycee's house the boys got some fun Halloween stuff. The picture above on the left shows Alden with his green Dracula fangs, and Emmett munching on a rubber spider.

We picked up some extra plastic Halloween buckets at Walmart for 70% off. Emmett loves Spiderman and Alden loves Star Wars. But the exciting thing was when we discovered the buckets split in half and the boys could wear them on their heads like masks. Too bad they can't see anything! During naps Alden was helping me make some cookies (hence the apron) and played with his light sabers while we waited for the finished goodies. I'm sure you didn't realize Darth Vader wears an apron sometimes.

1 comment:

Candice said...

super cute pic with my little Jase! I'm glad you clarified why Alden had the apron on, I just thought it was part of the costume!